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6 Social Media Marketing Predictions for 2016

by / Friday, 18 December 2015 / Published in Social Media

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As Christmas approaches and the year 2015 winds-up, it’s time to predict what 2016 holds in store for social media marketing. This prediction game has become kind of an annual tradition for internet marketers and this year is no different.

We’ve put together 6 social media predictions which you need to know before the New Year begins.

Facebook Video – Facebook Video is cited as the most engaging content on the network due to its auto play feature. Facebook recently reported 8 billion video views daily and is testing out tons of new functionality for next year including suggested videos, and images in picture viewing. Facebook videos are great to use for events, as you can highlight some of your event moments to market your product. Attendee testimonials, keynotes and time lapse videos work very well too. You can maximize the chances of more views in the newsfeed by keeping your video under 30 seconds.

GIFs – You can use GIF images to pop social media marketing of your brand. Now GIF images are supported by Facebook and Twitter. You can use them to give a teaser of what’s in store at your event or to publicize someone appearing at your event. GIF images are playing an important role on the social media, offering new ways to express emotions that you can’t do in public. They offer much more convenient, silent and faster way to express something. There is no doubt that social media and GIFs have indeed become BFFs.

Quotes – According to Hashtagify, quotes are one of the most used hashtags of the year 2015. These are one of the most common posts that one can see when looking through social media channels. The use of quotes is divisive; some say that they’re annoying and others use them as an engagement tool. The one thing that you can’t deny is that quotes work for a lot of brands. Most of the brands want user engagement and well used quotes can generate a heap of engagement. Continue using graphic quotes from your event speakers or preview statements about events to share on social channels. You can use Canva for free to create interesting graphics if you don’t have any knowledge about Photoshop.

Periscope – Periscope is a live streaming app owned by Twitter. It allows you to hold up your phone and broadcast video straight to your followers. This is perfect at events, especially for recording keynote speeches or building up excitement. You don’t need to take permission to film anything, and also don’t need to worry about managing and answering comments that might come in during your streaming.

Instagram Advertising – Instagram ads are available for anyone to use only if you’ve a Facebook page. You can use ads through power editor. They operate on the same PPC basis as Facebook. They can be the best way to send traffic to your business page, especially if your page is related to music, fashion, travelling, and food. Make sure to use bright, professional and unique images on your Instagram account if you really want to stand out from the crowd.

Snapchat – Snapchat is the best platform to grab the attention of an audience aged 14-28 years. The latest social media tool allows to take photos or a video. You can add a caption or doodle to it and can send it out to your followers. They can be viewed up to 10 seconds before they disappear. It’s a great way to generate buzz, perhaps offer a short-term announcement.

These are a few predictions that internet marketers have predicted regarding social media marketing. We are not sure which of the above prediction will work in upcoming year. We have to wait for next year to find out, but we are sure about one thing that digital marketing in 2016 will be even more exciting that what it was this year.